What’s New, Puddy Tat?

Ever so slight shading on a semi-round figure unknown maker home-cast.  The figure is painted with glossy enamels to enhance the toy like appearance and add durability though note the wear on the base.  The figure is about 30 years old.
The website has been active now for several months selling nothing, promoting nothing, getting few visitors, and otherwise settling into a distant backwater of the Internet. Which is all well and good. An original expectation was that I would work on the design of a larger corporate website, something that did not materialize. Instead, I have had a lower level of input into a less noticeable site with limited rights and permissions. And this is where the Little Men came to the rescue.

I have been able to mimic much of the activity on the larger website including the use of mechanisms I would not normally have access to because on this website, I can do whatever I want. Sadly (or not), the content has been more limited than I had hoped. It is not so much a question of material as time. There is so blessed little of it. Even now, I spend much of the week traveling by plane or car and getting very little done. Even so, having this website available has been great at every level.

Of course, there is still more to come, perhaps as inconsequential as what has already been served up. This was meant to be a learning experience and it has been one. It was meant as an exploration and the exploration continues. I can find dozens of websites covering the same ground better presented and better informed. But this is where I learn and so far, it has been great.

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