I read today that Model masters paints are gone. Put out by the Testors Corporation for many years, they were a guilty mainstay of the hobby. But as colors became scarce, new paints came to call. I had never been a fan of Krylon but now I have cans. And I have begun trying out Tamiya lacquer spray.
When I travel to Asia, I am always confronted with how much better they have things over there in regards to plastic model building. They seem to have everything imaginable and some things I never thought of all at a fraction of their price in the US. Want 1/700 scale WWII tanks and trucks? They have got them. Plastic 1/72 figures? Easy to find.
Which brings me to Tamiya. They offer quality materials and studied assistance that is never available in the US. Paint pens and markers, extensive weathering and masking supplies are easily found and not only from Tamiya.
But I feel bad about Model Masters. Just like I feel bad about the Mecca of modeling in Carrollton, Texas, Squadron, Inc. strolling through the warehouse was a dreamlike experience. Changing times. I guess we all change with them. Squadron was bought up by a company in Georgia and I sprayed my first batch of tanks with Tamiya dark yellow.