Retirement has turned me into a bearded recluse rifling through closets and the garage to see what is there. I find I am busier than I was when I was employed as an IT expert. I wake up in the morning, prepare and drive the child to school, do morning errands and shopping, pick up the child, babysit, cook dinner, get the child ready for bed, and finally, go to sleep. All this is pretty routine and surprisingly time consuming.
I thought I might start posting images of stuff in process. A lot of miniatures get little notice as they go from bag to fully painted storage. I have returned to the task of learning defensive fire procedures for ASL. But most of the good stuff gets done on Sunday when i get some time off.
Retirement is more wearing than I hoped with no real moments of sitting around drinking and eating and watching foreign movies. Too much to do. At least, I found Kate’s home.