Category Archives: General

Effluvia unrelated to anything



Seems like I just got here and I am moving again.  The insects and lizards roaming the apartment like some tiny ecosystem, the severe flooding, the neighbor who owns the private road to the apartment and insists on making it as difficult and dangerous to drive as it could be, and the difficulties of getting from the side road to the main road mitigate for change so change is upon me.

I have packed everything and this time hope not to make the mistake of last time and let the movers handle the boxes of figures.  Nothing was broken or lost but turning a box of figures over and shaking it can do it no good.

I calculated that since i was born, I move on the average of every two years.  I am certainly bringing that average down not staying in one place for more than a year.  I once marveled at how desert nomads could pack their home and all their belongings and travel so frequently.  I think my own belongings have become increasingly spare as I move.  At least I am no longer a frequent flier.  Life always has its good aspect.

When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.

This morning I drove by Winn-Dixie and wished that I was living somewhere I could not drive past Winn-Dixie. I miss snow. I suspect that snow is one of those things I will never see again. For some reason, the more I try to repair my life, the less time I have. I finished painting a lone regiment of figures and felt I had accomplished some major feat when it used to be a regular occurrence.

I do not think I ever stopped to catalog my life the way I am now cataloging the miniatures and rule books that overflow boxes and spill out everywhere. Cataloging it I would say that I do not accomplish as much as I did in the past. Even little accomplishments seem out of reach. One wishes for the stray day at home knowing they are becoming less and less likely. Today, I hopefully carried in a drawing pad and a box of pastels and now I wonder if I will even touch them.

I suppose the beauty of leading an isolated childhood is that one always has inner places to go to where there is some satisfaction to be had no matter what the world becomes. Still, I wish I had more time and more snow.

Wishful Thinking


The weather is nice outside.   There are large and small angry dogs barking.  But no one is berating me for my stupidity or anything else at the moment so the day is a passable one.

I have returned from a lengthy ocean voyage to find little changed.  There is sadly a bottle of milk in the refrigerator.  The tiny band of Muscovy ducks has been whittled down to two.  The neighboring housing complex has put up traffic signs where they do not belong.  But overall, things are where I left them.

So now it is time to return to the modifications I have been hoping to make.  About time, too.  With all the visitors to the house gone, there may perhaps be just a little bit of time to do some work like pull out all the 1/32 plastic figures and set up a game with them or photograph some of the old figures that cross the line between toys and wargaming miniatures.

The red cat suggests my hope for the future.  I am not sure whether he will have an impact or not.  We will see.

Year of the Monkey

Monty Monkey Cadbury Cococub
Monty Monkey, one of the Cadbury Cococubs produced by Britains as part of a free advertising giveaway for Cadbury Bournville Cocoa. The figures were designed by Ernest Aris who had illustrated the Beatrix Potter books.


Time for reassessment again.   Another new year in just over a month and this one involves monkeys.  I am not terribly superstitious but always check the horoscope for horses.  It is generally bad.  I have yet to encounter anything especially cheerful and assume that the cheerful news is for snakes or rats or some other annoying animal.

It is also Super Bowl Sunday and this will make yet another of a long line of Super Bowls I have not watched trailing back to the first.  It is not that I dislike football.  I just never saw the point.  I do like junk food and beer.  And sandwiches.  But the fascination of football eludes me.

Next week starts a major revision of the site.  All ten people who have visited this past year may not notice the change but it is coming.  Promise.


This Is for All You New People


I thought I might write something relevant for a change. Bad form to be sure but here goes. What to do if you stumble on this page and find any interest in the subject at hand? Heed the advice offered under Figures and consider using some base counters sans troops to start with. The Junior General site offers some printable figures that can readily be used. Some are specifically created for use with the rules set De Bellis Antiquitatis which is available as a PDF at the link under the Ground Rules.

If you want more rules, consider browsing the Wargame Vault site listed on the front menu which offers many sets of free rules or consider browsing E-bay for an old set making sure you do not spend too much as sellers often believe that a set of rules is far more valuable than it is.

For figures, take a look at the Plastic Soldier Review site and consider using some unpainted plastic figures in the area you are interested in. Plastic Soldier Review also offers some interesting observations on the figures, shows what the figures look like, rates them and shows how many of each pose is provided in the box. A good starting choice might be the HAT Industrie sets 8095 French line infantry and 8186 Peninsular War British. But let your own enthusiasm be your guide.

If you are interested in getting some metal miniatures, again consider something like DBA since it requires relatively few figures for a game or try out some skirmish level game or consider some naval and science fiction games where there are relatively few pieces needed in play.

All these are suggestions. Another is simply to find a board game from one of the many companies around and try it out. A boxed board game contains everything needed for play.

One warning: some miniatures are expensive and starting an army that is going to require an outlay of several hundred dollars is a big leap especially if you plan on painting the figures yourself. A decent set of paints and brushes is costly as are figures so starting something where a single vehicle or figure could cost $50 should give you pause. Keep in mind that any set of rules can be played with nothing more than some homemade cardboard counters so try it out before the whole thing becomes a major investment.

And that is enough preachiness to start off the New Year. The baby is doing well and anything that is not fine now will soon be better.

Shadows of December

An overworked paper palette for mixing paints.
An overworked paper palette for mixing paints.

I think we all grow up realizing we are only temporary residents here. Reaching the late 50s, I have begun to see more clearly the possibility of an end of lease. At a younger age, I would have thought a commitment to something great would have been the best possible thing. Now, seeing how every good intention gets twisted into something awful, I wonder if playing with toy soldiers is such a bad thing. It does not cost much money, I do not get opportunities to involve myself that frequently, and no one is physically threatened by the enormous plastic and metal weapons.

On the other hand, I do not earn much in the process nor have I heard of many people having successful careers in he field. It is not something that will relegate one to some special remembrance or change the world for the better. Still, it seems that even without some material purpose it has purpose unto itself, a magical little world populated by millions all intertwined in ludicrous conflict.

December usually comes and goes quickly. I have had little enough time to even snap any of my poor quality photos of the thousands of miniatures drifting about. The Imex/Accurate figures have reemerged upstairs and are placed in serried ranks of varying colors. WarWeb shut down after failing to deliver on some 10mm Saxons. It has been an up and down time.

I found the baby strolling through the family room with my driver’s license. I suspect that she is a baby who will be into things in a big way. Right now, she has three goals: chew, bang, and hide. Life will be much more complicated when she learns to climb stairs.

Needless to say, changes continue and hopefully I will get some chance to document them in the coming quickly passing weeks.

I Have Plenty to Be Thankful for.

October passed without a whimper. Tonight, I get to drive 250 miles and then get some sleep. There remains a lot to do and ever decreasing amounts of time available to do anything other than drive and sleep.

The goal this weekend is to move the scenery from Gainesville to Tampa and establish the upstairs area for some attempts at playing through the various rules sets likely starting with Joseph Morschauser’s book. It is surprising to look back on older rules and see what they got right and what they missed. I am sorting through an old Charles Grant book and surprised to find no rules summary anywhere. No wonder the old books are so worn.

I also dug out an old copy of Swords and Spells by Gary Gygax. D&D has been in its early days linked with the Chainmail rules but here Gygax tries to break free. Some of the idiosyncrasies of Chainmail remain while Gygax introduces a diceless system for combat. It is all pretty confusing and will be interesting to see in action.

But of course first I have to have the time.

Record Keeping

According to the statistics compiled, there have been 1,892 malicious login attempts on this site, 588 spam comments, and only one legitimate comment. Good to sit back and keep score.

PS. Just a few hours later and we are up to 2012 malicious login attempts and 591 spam comments. Anyone want a Michael Kors handbag?

IMG_2685 - Copy - Copy

Though we seemed dead, we did but sleep

Games Workshop has tended to approach gaming in an all inclusive way, unsurprising since they sell both rules and miniatures.  So there has always been a strong emphasis on painting.  This book is organized in alphabetized sections which may seem odd but still works.  It provides a handy short reference on painting.
The local cable company seems incapable of providing an Internet connection here so things are off to a rocky start in my new home. All I have to show for 2 weeks of ‘service’ is a bill for $80. All the paints seem hidden away and I have taken the radical step of ordering new ones. Space is very limited. The apartment is dominated by boxes. I see that I have to rid myself of some books and debris to make the next move easier. I have no illusions that it will be my last move.

I have plenty to present once things get on track including some attractive 1/1200 Renaissance ships from Valiant and Langton. I have found some interesting rules sets and am hoping to do some simple play-throughs. I will also likely expand the painting section (though as far as I can tell no one has read it) and photograph the Ral Partha Renaissance figures and the Archive fantasy figures. In other words, a lot is coming as soon as time presents itself.

I’m walking on sunshine

Made the drive from Texas to Florida in time to rescue the baby from a daycare center that promises to teach her Spanish and basic math skills but apparently offers no guarantee that she will come home in one piece. In just 2 weeks, she received a large scratch breaking the skin along her ankle, bloody scrapes on both big toes, a scraped knee, a scratch on her thigh, and a bruise mark on her arm where it looks like someone grabbed her hard. The baby is just 6 months old and cannot yet crawl. The daycare workers blame the injuries on her rapid movements.

In other words, I am still on hiatus as life is restored to some sort of order.