Category Archives: Wargames

A game simulating some form of conflict

Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Advanced Squad Leader was certainly one of those games that came close to a miniatures game. As the rules blossomed into multiple volumes and were finally consolidated into a huge 3-ring binder, Avalon Hill developed a series of larger game boards for use with miniatures. Below is one of the boards from Hedgerow Hell, one of the two deluxe modules.

James Bond 007 Assault Game

Based on the climactic assault by James Bond and assorted ninjas and intelligence operatives on a secret rocket launching base hidden in a volcano in Japan, the game pieces seem pretty generic and some miniatures would definitely spruce things up. The game seems made for that kind of conversion. It uses a chit-activation system and supposedly can be played solo.

The game was actually part of a larger James Bond role-playing system which offered under license an impressive range of components. The game was apparently successful but when the license lapsed in 1987, the game went out of print.


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