I seem to find myself involved in discussions that seem more and more pointless, meeting people that do not interest me, and finding myself in less and less attractive situations. I comfort myself with the belief that such things are cyclic but find myself wondering if I am caught in a broader cycle that is tending in a negative direction.
I am clearing out trash in the apartment. It is amazing how many worthless bits of nothing gather together and conspire to have themselves placed in a box with more or less worthless bits of nothing and then travel with me from place to place. Perhaps that is the essence of collecting.
I have noticed that if I paint figures an hour or two each night (an impossibility given my current situation), I would likely get everything nicely painted in a couple of months. I have noticed that it is nicer to look at photos of current work than older. I suppose I will see where things stand in a couple of months if I am still here to check.