I have been in Utah now for 8 months and am amazed at how little I have accomplished and how much work has been involved. I found the last set of missing figures the other day, a group of Essex Assyrian 15mm figures. They had been packed neatly in a cardboard box which the moving men inexplicably decided to pack sideways. Repairs are ongoing.
Everything is now in one place and all that is necessary is to find a better way to store than as an enormous stack of boxes in the closet. No surprise those boxes i had the foresight to keep in the bathroom back in Florida along with all the musical instruments came through unmarred. I discovered to my chagrin that hamsters are not allowed to fly on most commercial airlines so brought her and everything else left in the house to Utah in mid autumn.
There is still a lot of work to do to straighten out the house but I hope to find the time to revisit and start painting the unpainted.