Halloween is some great boundary marker into the insanity that slashes its way through to the day after New Years. It is a marker of years flowing by far worse than birthday since death and taxes are on the way. I cannot think of a bright side.
This week offers a rich variety of reality clawing its way into my life. I must get papers notarized. I must transport my daughter to her various engagements. I must review my expenses. On the up side, I did complete my annual medicare exam. Yes, I am still alive and moving of my own volition, my mental facilities debatable but still existent.
All this follows an effort to sort through the smaller things that had migrated to bookshelves. I rediscovered some very old catalogs including a charming but brief one from McEwan Miniatures. I had been looking for the Jack Scruby catalog but, seeing it again, I realize that he offers neither drawings or photos of his figures. The variety is fascinating. He seemed to want to cover as much as he could.
Beyond that, I finally listed all the metal stuff that i had by scale. It is helpful to me if no one else. There was an odd moment several years ago where it seemed to me I had crossed into that mythic region where I own enough lead to make a move challenging. I hate the idea of another move but I find it hard to believe we are here to stay