A small but charming group of French soldiers from the War of the Spanish Succession. The figures are a recent acquisition and painting is progressing slowly. The ensign in the middle as yet has no flag but the flag pole is at the ready. The figures are mounted on small plastic bases provided in the Warlord Games ECW figures. Each group is mounted on a stand that in 28mm would hold a single figure.
The figures are by Baccus, a firm specializing in 6mm. They have more detail than other 6mm figures I own and so tend to be a bit more difficult to paint. At this scale, any uniform detail is appreciated. There is enough here to easily distinguish different figure types.
The War of the Spanish Succession is not as well known as later musket era conflicts. France attempted to place a king aligned with France on the throne of Spain and England, the Holy Roman Empire, and their allies fought to stop them. The war is best remembered for the battle of Blenheim and two allied commanders, the Duke of Marlborough and Prinz Eugene of Savoy.