Sneaking in between the popular 15mm and 6mm scales comes 10mm providing the bulk presented by an army of 6mm figures with finer detail and larger size. The scale is popular for SF games but has also generated some lines of historical figures including a range of ACW figures from GHQ and a broad range from Old Glory. Figures may be cast individually or on a base. Individual is always best in my opinion but bases seem here to stay.
Supposedly close to N scale, this would allow an enormous range of model railroad scenery to be readily usable with these figures. This is a nice change from many scales whose designers seemed to make a point of creating figures incompatible with commercially available scenery. Perhaps it will prove to be the best of all worlds. I will need a small DBA army for travel and this might just provide what I need.
10mm Perrin Miniatures, the beginning of a rather massive body of figures representing armies of the American Civil War. The figures have a gray primed surface. White would brighten them up but I chose a dark grey to speed things along.
The Perrin figures are attractively sculpted and nicely detailed without any overkill. The poses are limited but sufficient. They offer a really nice range with a certain daintiness but seem to tower over GHQ while looking a bit like AIM figures on a diet. A nice choice though difficult to locate. The Last Square does offer the full range.