A chatty magazine released by chaosium with a focus on rpgs.
The official Games Workshop magazine
A glossy slick magazine from England as far as I can tell still in print.
Master game designer Richard Book presents his game reviews as a separate pamphlet from SPI.
An old and popular magazine devoted to miniature wargaming. A bit stuffy with only historical conflicts presented.
At one time, the preeminent board game review magazine beholden to no single game publisher. Articles were of varying quality but always interesting and the production professional.
Avalon Hill house magazine in later issues offering variants and inserts for their games. There was usually an issue devoted to any new issue AH game. The articles were well written and helpful.
Charming old magazine devoted to historical miniatures play. The major project stretching across numerous issues was a simplified WWII unit organization.
TSR’s house magazine, the legendary first issue. At that time, the magazine reviewed works by other publishers as well.
Esoterica. A magazine devoted exclusively to warfare from the Renaissance through mid 18th century.