Time Passes

School resumes tomorrow. For the first time in weeks, I painted a little. The above tiny group is a partial result. The figure in front was an unpainted holdover. Once again, I marveled at the deficiencies in my work.

At the moment, I am priming with a white enamel undercoat. I have enough figures to keep me excruciatingly busy and expect a shipment from the Last Square and a seller on e-bay any day now. Satisfaction comes from knowing that I am getting closer to an ideal balance between time spent and quality. I have taken to correcting this and that, turning figures upside so that all the flaws become shockingly visible.

I remain retired. I left my job without even a fare you well card. It is ok. It was my last job and I could not say there were any memorable moments other than struggling back after trying to walk a half mile at lunch.

I did notice that the e-bay seller trying to peddle a group of Archive Miniatures space aphids as Ral Partha frog people finally made a sale. Good for him.

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