Tag Archives: Past

WWI Fleet

Figurehead WWI ships 1/6000
Figurehead WWI ships 1/6000

These tiny slightly out of focus ships are as small a scale as I have encountered for gaming so of course it was immediate unconditional adoration. They do not have the level of detail one could hope for in this computer age but the scale makes them just right for some of the Clash of Arms games where counters show vessels at 1/6000.

The small scale also allows their use in older games like Jutland or Battlewagon. It would even be possible to incorporate them in something like SPI’s The Solomons Campaign. At a scale this small, there are a lot of possibilities. Just do not try it on a thick carpet.

Figurehead Miniatures has had a number of distributors in this country so it is a good idea to check The Miniatures Page for whoever is selling them at the moment. Prices for these tend to fluctuate with some people selling them as if they were cast in gold so it is a good idea to purchase through the distributor.